in serving and blessing others.”
- Elder Robert D. Hales.
If you are not currently self reliant,
the church is eager to help you get there.
Below are several free resources available to everyone.
resources are provided through the LDS church unless noted otherwise
Just Serve
local service opportunities of every kind. Contact Eldon Vance at or 425-351-8334 with questions.
17222 43rd Ave NE Arlington, WA
(Arlington Stake Center)
Offered through BYU Idaho which combines online courses with local gatherings.PathwayConnect is a one-year gospel centered program that helps members start or return to college. The program addresses three major obstacles to college education — cost, fear and accessibility to campus — through affordable online courses designed to build confidence and help members become self-reliant. Priesthood leaders have reported over and over again how Pathway has helped them reach out and rescue their members including young adults.
Check out their website
Bishops Store House
Open Tues 1-7pm & Sat 10-1pm
4215 C Russell Rd
Mukilteo Wa 98275
Free “One for the Money Booklet”
Bishop’s Office or
click “self reliance” under the home and family category
Free Budgeting site
No connection to church
Food Storage overview
Purchase Food Storage Items
click “self reliance” under the home and family category
Shopping lists
Created by members but not official church guidance
Food Storage, 72 hour kits & car kits
search for “providing in the Lords Way Manuel”
LDS Family Services:
Counseling Services- Services are available for individuals, couples, and
families. These professional services are offered within the framework of the
gospel. There is a fee for counseling
services. To make an appointment, contact LDS Family Services directly. Professional counselors are available M-F.
They will come to Everett Stake Center on Wednesdays. 425-228-0074
Addiction Recovery Programs-General addiction meetings are held Tuesdays at 7:30pm at our Everett Bldg. in the nursery room. Leaders are Carlos and Judi Ditto. You can also go to and type in addiction recovery. Meeting schedules are at
General Addictions: Everett Building Nursery room: 110 50th St SW; Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm Led Brother and Sister Ditto.
Healthy Eating: Everett Bldg. Nursery room Thursdays. 7:00-8:00pm Contact Sister Sorenson 425-338-0215
Pornography Addiction for men -Contact Elder Roger and Peggy
Hill 360-794-4784
Snohomish Stake Center HC room in Lake
Thursdays 7:00-8:30 pm
Support (For Women) Snohomish Stake
Center, Thursdays 7-8:30 Call:360-568-3436
or Lynnwood
Stake Harbour Point-Meets in room
#120. Thur 7-8:30, Elder and Sister Bridges 425-772-3067
Strengthening Marriage and Family Courses-

Tawnia Singleton425-228-0074
Birth Parent Services - LDS Family Services is uniquely qualified to help individuals involved in an out-of-wedlock pregnancy, including the birth parents and birth grandparents. Services are available to Church members and non-members alike. The birth parents are given assistance in exploring their options, including marriage, adoption and single parenting. This enables the birth parents to make an informed decision as to the best option for their child and for themselves. Additionally, birth parents are helped to make a life plan and to prepare for success in carrying out their plan. These services are confidential and provided at no charge. Birth parents or birth grandparents needing assistance may contact LDS Family Services directly or be referred by a Church leader.
Regional Office
220 South Third Place
Renton, WA 98055
(425) 228-0074
1-800-LDS-LINK (537-5465)
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