Sunday, August 2, 2015

Monique Jenkins

Monique Jenkins

Monique is currently serving as the 1st councilor in our ward's Young Women's organization.  Professionally she is a server right now but hopes to one day open her own bed and breakfast. 

She loves to cook so much she went to culinary school and had a blast. She also enjoys swimming, riding her long board, painting and reading. She thinks the violin is the most beautiful instrument and has a dream of learning to play one day. 

When Monique has a little free time she will usually read and would highly recommend the book Stardust by Neil Gaiman. She also likes movies and her favorite is a tie between The Princess Bride and The Labyrinth. 

If she won a million dollars she would buy an airplane and pilot lessons. A chauffeur would be great too since traffic makes her crazy. If should could be any fictional character she would choose Jo March from Little Women and also thinks time traveling would be pretty awesome. 

Monique met her husband Nathan at institute soon after she moved here. It was her first time in a singles ward (she moved soon after high school) and she was really nervous. She saw Nathan right when she walked in, but he didn't seem to notice her (she found out later that he did!) The following Sunday was fast Sunday and they had a linger-longer after church. She made sure to sit at the same table as him, and found a way into the conversation and voila!! she had him hooked. 

They dated for a while before Nathan's mission. Then a couple months after he got back he proposed at one of her favorite places, Disneyland! He had a sign that read "will you marry" and an arrow pointed to him. He held it up when they take your picture on Splash Mountain. She didn't see it until they were off the ride and he knelt down right there! She was shocked, but so happy! 

Their favorite thing to do together is play games. They are really into board and card games as well as video games!! They don't have any pets yet, but are hoping to get a puppy in the near future. 

To Monique, family is everything. She is so grateful for her large extended family and their closeness to each other; They make everything so much more fun. 

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