Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kristen Reber

Kristen Reber
Kristen is currently serving in our ward as the Young Women's 2nd Councilor.  Professionally she is a freelance editor and writer, but she is taking a break from that for now to be a mommy. Kristen grew up in Coer d' Alene Idaho and served a mission in the Philippines!
She met her husband James at church and he proposed to her at the Y trailhead which is the same place he asked her to be his girlfriend. Together they have a newborn baby girl and would one day like a cat. They like going out to see new places and things in the area and would like to travel the world when they have more money, but mostly they enjoy just being together.
Kristen's theme song is "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. She loves tulips of any color, the smell of roses, potatoes for dinner, and eating at the Cheesecake Factory. Her guilty pleasure TV show is "Say Yes to the Dress" and she's not a big movie watcher but did like "The Avengers". Mostly she loves to read and would highly recommend the book "The Mayor of Casterbridge" by Thomas Hardy. She says not only is it a page-turner, but it has so much interesting commentary on what it means to be a person of "character".
When Kristen has some free time she enjoys playing the harp and piano, cross-stitching, swimming, writing when she has a flash of inspiration and of course reading. She hopes to one day add home decorating to her talent list.  
If she won a million dollars she would buy a nice harp, a house, a trip to Europe or at least London and hire someone to do pretty things with her hair and do the dishes. If Kristen could be any super hero she would choose Harry Potter and also wishes she could fly; it just seems fun.
A perfect day for Kristen would be swimming followed by reading and dinner at a nice restaurant (probably the Cheesecake Factory) with the people she loves.

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