Monday, July 13, 2015

Barbara Brodhead

Barbara Brodhead

Barbara is currently serving in our ward as the Wolf Den Leader in the Cub Scout Program. She met her husband James at her first Young Adult Regional Fireside. They saw each other at the Christmas dance. A week or so later and he asked her to dance. They spent the rest of the evening together, and on January 10th he asked her to marry him. They were married on April 18th 1981 in the Seattle Temple. 

They are blessed with 8 children and 13 grandchildren with another one on the way. Now that their children are adults and some don't live close, they love to get together whenever they can. They recently had a wonderful family reunion! They rented a vacation house and spent 4 days enjoying each others company. It was great!

Barbara loves roses (but prefers to receive carnations because they last longer), salmon, and the smell of fresh bread, Some of her favorite things to do are exercise, read, bake, sing, and play with her grandchildren. She hopes to one day play the piano and guitar, but doesn't see that happening in the near future. 

If Barbara could have any super power in the world she would choose unending energy! It is hard when you start getting older and can't do everything you used to be able to do when you were young! But for now when she has 30 minutes of free time she will usually relax and watch a good chick flick. The Slipper and the Rose is one of her favorites which has a Cinderella type story line. 

A perfect day for Barbara would be any day spent with her husband. She think dinner out together is always nice and enjoys a restaurant in Provo called "The Underground" which has great food and a quaint atmosphere. They would have live music and played old silent Charlie Chaplin movies on a big screen. 

She loves reading the Book of Mormon every day and has so many favorite hymns it would be impossible for her to choose just one. Barbara is grateful for so many things but most importantly are her family and the protection she knows they receive every day, it is what she prays for. 

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