Thursday, September 1, 2016

Tracy Moors

Tracy is currently serving in our ward as a Primary worker and her favorite scripture is Joshua 24:15.  She is most grateful for the people in her life and is the parent of 2 children, Ryan who is 2 ½ and Annalise who is 16.

She is a busy mother who works as a Hospital Receptionist. If she had 30 minutes of free time she is most likely to relax and think of what she should actually be doing.  Some day she hopes to develop the talent of being crafty.

If she won a million dollars she would buy a house with a fenced yard. Given the choice of having a personal chauffeur, chef, maid, or hair stylist, she would choose a chauffeur, as we have crazy people on the roads these days.

Some of her favorite things are steak, the smell of coconut, The Healing of Windwalker by Donald Chadd, and Comedy, Mystery, or Documentary TV shows.  A chore that is NOT her favorite is Folding Laundry.

When asked if she had any interesting scars, she said she indeed did, on the edge of her pupil from her son’s fingernail.  Even with that, a perfect day for her would be spent just hangin’ out with him. 

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