Sunday, March 9, 2014

Wendy Bell

Wendy Bell

Wendy is currently a Visiting Teaching Supervisor. She worked for many years as a front-office secretary at a dentist office but is now retired.
She met her husband Randy at a Single Adult conference when she was a 28 year old single mother of 4. Randy was sure he wanted to marry her right away but Wendy took a little longer to decide. After several months he told her to "just pray about it" As she knelt to pray she immediately received an answer so strong and clear she was stunned. They were sealed 2 months later in the Seattle Temple and were happily married for about 23 years when he died of cancer. Wendy says to know that her family is sealed in the temple has been a comfort and blessing in the time since he has been gone. Later that year she served a 2 year Family History mission in Salt Lake City and loved it!
Wendy loves desert (as long as it's chocolate) and yellow roses. She also loves to read and would highly recommend Unbroken by Laura Hildenbrand. Sense and Sensibility can never be watched enough times in her opinion. Her favorite scene is at the end of the move when Elinor Dashwood gets some "unexpected news".
Wendy enjoys indexing, playing the piano, and handwork like crocheting, knitting or hardanger embroidery.  She would love to add oil painting to her talent list one day and is interested in painting portraits. A perfect day for Wendy would be waking up early, being productive and then spending time with her children.

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