Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Jill Hudson

Jill Hudson

Jill is the 1st councilor in the Young Women's Presidency. She met her husband Jerry at church when she moved to the area during high school.  Together they have 5 children (2 boys and 3 girls) and a dog named Lucky. Their favorite thing to do as a family is play all kinds of games.

Jill's favorite food is king crab. She also like peonies, roses and lilacs, the smell of new babies and she can't watch Pride and Prejudice enough times. She enjoys shopping at farmers markets with friends (the flowers and fresh produce are fantastic), reading, sewing, gardening and baking. She hopes to one day add playing the piano and guitar to her talent list.

If Jill could have any form of help for a year she would choose a maid...definitely. If she won a million dollars she would buy a new house and go on a great vacation (Mexico has been her favorite so far). Her super power of choice would be the ability to make the sun shine every day and have light rain at night so she wouldn't have to water her plants. A perfect day for Jill would be a bright sunny day with her family.

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